Babinda P-12 State School Our school emphasises personal excellence and provides a range of opportunities to allow students to develop to their maximum potential.

Traditional learning opportunities in academic and sporting areas are complemented with a broader range of artistic activities and subjects.

Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning throughout their schooling. We offer a range of core subjects that are complemented by a significant number of elective subjects. Students can choose a pathway - either OP eligible or Vocational, that best suits their learning needs and aspirations. Our range of subjects caters more than adequately for both these groups of students.

Our school boasts possibly the best and newest Home Economics and Manual Arts building in the local area. We have had a recent technology upgrade and students have access to both a wide range of hardware and software to complement their learning.

We expect students to adhere to our Code of School Behaviour which sets out clearly the behaviours expected of students. It has a strong focus on positive behaviours and student responsibility and ownership of their behaviour. Our bottom line for behaviour is:

"We are responsible for our own behaviour and learning and we respect all members of the school community"

Babinda has a proud tradition of offering a caring service for its community. We welcome parents and other community members to take part in the education process. Working together in the best interest of our system of our students for the best possible outcomes produces a happy working environment for the whole community.

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